What is How to access the admin login page of How to change its password? To find these answers, continue to read this post from MiniTool to get more details about

In our previous posts, we have introduced,,, and Today, we will talk about the IP address. If you are interested, please continue to read.

What Is

What is The is the Netgear default IP address, used to manage the basic and advanced settings of the wifi extender. That is to say, the IP address is used to log in to your wifi extender.

How to Log Into

How to log into the IP address? Here are the detailed steps:

Step 1: Connect the router cable to your computer. You can also use Wifi to connect it.

Step 2: Open one of your broswers and type or in the address bar and press the Enter key.

Step 3: Enter the router’s default username and password. Then, click the Log In button. You can find them on the back of your router packaging.

Can’t Log into

Sometimes, you may encounter the “can’t log into” issue. There are some possible reasons and the corresponding solutions.


  1. WiFi connection is disabled.
  2. The extender is not turned on.
  3. Routing language is not getting proper power.
  4. Connection problem.
  5. The firmware is outdated.


  1. Make sure your extender and your existing WF router are receiving proper power. Additionally, please check
  2. Make sure they are properly plugged into a working wall outlet.
  3. Make sure you are using an updated version of your Internet browser to access the extension’s default 1 address. If your browser is outdated or loaded with junk files, cache, browsing history, etc.,
  4. Update the firmware on existing WiFi routers and extenders.
  5. Place the extender in the same room as the main WiFi1 router.
  6. Assign your computer a static IP address. Change Password

If you forget the password of, you can change it with the following steps:

  1. Go to the Settings menu.
  2. Choose the router password option.
  3. Enter your desired password.
  4. Save the changes.

Update Firmware on Netgear Wifi Extender

It is recommended that you keep the firmware version of your WiFi extender up to date for it to function properly.

  1. First, turn on your WiFi extender. Then, open your browser.
  2. In the address box, type and press the Enter key.
  3. You will be taken to the login screen. Then, type your username and password to continue.
  4. The Netgear Dashboard now appears. Select Firmware Update from the drop-down menu.
  5. Go to the firmware file and press the Upload button.
  6. Wait for the firmware update process complete. Then, restart the extender.
  7. You have now successfully updated the firmware on the extender.

Final Words

Here is all information about You can know what it is and how to log into it. Besides, you can know what to do when you can’t log into it.

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