In general, banner advertising is regarded as a good way to monetize applications. Microsoft also agrees with this; it plans to add banner advertisements to the Windows 10 Mail and Calendar apps. But it seems that it won’t work.

A banner advertisement is also known as banner ad or web banner; it refers to a form of advertising emerged on the World Wide Web and delivered by an ad server. The advertisement is embedded into a web page to attract traffic to a certain website and then make money.

Recently, Microsoft wants to add banner advertisements to Windows 10; its target is the Mail and Calendar apps.

add banner advertisements

Microsoft’s Plan to Add Banner Advertisements to Windows 10 App

As a matter of fact, advertisements have been added to some versions of its products by Microsoft, since the release of Windows 8. Now, Microsoft plans to make the built-in Microsoft Mail and Calendar apps the next place for adding banner ads.

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After looking at a post and screen shot from, you’ll find that some Windows 10 Insider testers are able to see the ads banners included in the Mail and Calendar apps. According to Aggiornamenti Lumia, there’s a good way to get rid of the ads that would be found in the “Other” mail inbox (not Focused Inbox) – becoming subscribers of Office 365.

If you’re not one of the subscribers, you’ll see ads from Microsoft and third parties in Besides, Microsoft’s ads can also be found in many other places:

  • News app
  • Games app
  • Sports app
  • Travel app
  • Weather app
  • Finance app

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Another useful way to avoid the Microsoft banner ads efficiently is to enable an ad blocker.

As for whether the upcoming Windows 10 release will contain the banner ads in the Mail and Calendar apps, Microsoft has not given a clear answer. And I’m not sure if the company is testing the concept and keeping its options open on this or not.

Response from Microsoft’s Head of Communications

People are talking about Microsoft’s intention to add banner advertisements to Windows 10 Mail and Calendar apps.

Windows 10 Mail and Calendar

In response to this, Frank Shaw, the head of communications of Microsoft has posted a twitter and explained that the advertisements in Mail are designed for only experiment and will be turning off.

  • I can’t deny the fact that I haven’t noticed most of the ads wherever they are unless they are really obvious. As a result, I think I will not care too much even if Microsoft finally decides to add banner advertisements to Windows 10 Mail, Calendar or other apps.
  • Yet, there are many people who can’t agree with Microsoft’s action of adding banner ads. In their points of view, they have already spent money buying Windows either directly or indirectly as part of their PCs, so it is not reasonable for them to see ads here.

Development of Ads

To tell the truth, being launched in October 27 in 1994 on Wired Magazine (which was at that time), the first banner ad is very popular among all the online advertising tactics you can get access to. It even has a unique domain:

Here’s the accurate content of the first banner ad: “Have you ever clicked your mouse right here? You will”. By clicking on this, people will be taken to an AT&T campaign.

Ads Are Everywhere

Till now, our life is full of ads. And Microsoft is not the only company who’s doing so. It has a lot of companions; too famous examples are Yahoo and Google, who have added banner ads to their email app and some of the first-party apps.

Indeed, banner ads are regarded as a kind of public service announcement since they will bring people to a microsite; here, they can find lists of the top museums and other mind-expanding websites (which may be very useful).

At present, the banner advertising world is changed. The original web banner ads you can see on your favorite publications are now gradually replaced by social media ads:

  • Facebook Banners
  • Instagram Sponsored Ads
  • Snapchat Geofilters

All in all, the banner ads could be annoying, but they may also be useful for some people or for a particular moment. That depends.

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