Nano Memory card was launched last by Huawei and can be put into the SIM tray on your phone for use. However, due to its particularity, this card has not been widely used all over the world. Perhaps, you are not familiar with it. Now, you can read this post to get some related information.

Last year, Huawei launched Nano Memory which is a proprietary memory solution from its own design with an intriguing prospect of a newer, smaller memory card for increasingly compact phones.

It is an exciting design. Months after its launch, let’s take a look at the current state of Nano Memory and its future.

What Is Nano Memory?

Nano Memory is an expandable data storage format developed by Huawei which is similar to microSD card, but it’s smaller. Nano Memory card is the same size as a Nano SIM card and it is about 45% smaller than microSD card. It can be inserted into Huawei’s dual-Nano SIM card tray rather than the separate card slot.

As to the capacity, there are three sizes available: 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB with 90MB/s read speed.

What Are the Advantages of Nano Memory?

The Nano Memory card is functionally the same as a microSD card so outside of size and speed, consumers will have the same experience with either. The device manufactures can see a larger benefit in by using Nano Memory.

When OEMs use this tech, they could free-up space in the smart phones for other components which doesn’t only mean that a small version of the microSD card slot. The Nano Memory cards can fit in Huawei’s dual-Nano SIM tray which means that the need for extra memory slot is unnecessary.

Perhaps, it is just seemed like a small advantage. However, you should know that the physical space is a commodity in phone and microSD card support itself dictates decisions about a smartphone circuit board’s design & placement.

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To use the SIM tray for expandable memory can supply producers with more options in how they can design their devices and components.

What Are the Disadvantages of Nano Memory?

Nano Memory is much expensive than the similar microSD card. In detail, microSD card is half cheaper than Nano Memory card.

Referring to the gigabytes of storage the card can offer, you will have less choice than the microSD card. On the other hand, for different usage, you can choose microSD cards with different write speed.

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The biggest disadvantage is that microSD card can be used on all Android phones that can work with the microSD cards you may have picked up over the years. But, Nano Memory cards can only be used on Huawei phones.

Furthermore, if you only use one SIM card, everything will be OK. If you have to use two SIM on the same phone, it will be inconvenient.

Which Phones Support Nano Memory Cards?

Currently, you can only use Nano Memory cards on Huawei phones and these phones are limited to these models:

  • Huawei Mate 20
  • Huawei Mate 20 Pro
  • Huawei Mate 20 X
  • Huawei P30
  • Huawei P30 Pro

Now, Huawei is looking for cooperation with other companies to produce Nano Memory chips in the future and it also wants it to be the industry standard although there is no further improvements.

Today, there are not so many people who want to use this Nano Memory card urgently. However, with the development of technology, Nano Memory might become much more commonplace.

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