What is Updater.exe? Is Updater.exe a virus? These are prime questions when users face this strange process. It will appear in Task Manager when you are using Google Chrome. However, the strange thing is that some people find its casual activities. For more details, this post on MiniTool will give you an answer.

What Is Updater.exe?

What is Updater.exe? First of all, you know there are some processes that are designed to update a specific program and GoogleUpdate.exe is the one that is suitable for Google Chrome for updates.

Some Google users carefully find out that Updater.exe replaces GoogleUpdate.exe when running Chrome updates. We get some information that from Chrome v123, GoogleUpdate.exe has been renamed to updater.exe, and the location has changed.

However, it is not just like what it seems because of the unusual and unauthorized activities founded by antiviruses. You may be curious about this phenomenon and doubt if the process is a virus or malware. For that, you can check its location and its signature details.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\GoogleUpdater\VERSION\updater.exe

You can locate the Updater.exe process in Task Manager and right-click on it to choose Open file location to check for that.

Is Updater.exe a Virus or Malware?

As we mentioned, normally, Updater.exe is legitimate but we cannot exclude the possibility it is a virus. For best, you can run a security scan for the file or the whole system. you can choose a reliable third-party antivirus or just use Microsoft Defender.

Step 1: Open Settings by pressing Win + I and click Update & Security.

Step 2: In the Windows Security tab, choose Virus & threat protection and select Scan options > Microsoft Defender Offline scan > Scan now.

click Scan now

Protect Your PC – MiniTool ShadowMaker

If you want to better protect your data from viruses and malware, you can back up data regularly. Considering the demands, choosing a suitable backup software is quite important. MiniTool ShadowMaker has developed for many years into a reliable comprehensive backup software.

You can use it to backup files & folders, partitions & disks, and your system. MiniTool also allows automatic backup and you just need to set the time point for daily, weekly, monthly, or on event. Various backup schemes are also allowed. Besides, you can clone SSD to larger SSD and support cloning HHD to SSD.

MiniTool ShadowMaker TrialClick to Download100%Clean & Safe

How to Remove Updater.exe Virus?

If you have checked and found out Updater.exe is malware, you need to apply a series of steps to remove Updater.exe.

Step 1: Open Task Manager and locate the problematic process.

Step 2: Right-click on the process to choose Open file location, then turn back to end the problematic process, and delete the file.

To make sure the Updater.exe virus won’t come back, you can professional file shredder to completely remove its traces. MiniTool System Booster can do this job well and you can try it for 15 days for free.

MiniTool System Booster TrialClick to Download100%Clean & Safe

Step 3: Check if you have installed any suspicious programs or extensions on your browser. If yes, remove them.

Step 4: Then run a virus scan again.

Bottom Line:

This article has introduced some information about Updater.exe and you can tell if the process is a virus. Besides, we recommend you back up data to protect yourself from viruses and MiniTool is one of the best choices.

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